You Are Never Too Old to Donate Organs
July 28th, 2016

As many people enter their retirement years, they begin to think about the legacy they will leave. People often use estate plans as a vehicle to create their legacies, but they might be overlooking something else that they can do.
It is almost a universal human trait to want to be remembered by others after we die. Some people are in a position to be remembered by millions, if not billions of people. Most of us, however, are likely to only be remembered by those who knew us in life.
How we are remembered is what we call our “legacy” and it is something many older Americans worry about. The most common way to leave a good legacy is with a well-thought out estate plan that provides for our families. Some people include charitable donations in their estate plan, which helps out good causes and increases the donor’s legacy.
Another way to leave a legacy is though organ donation.
Although organ donation is not always thought about in terms of leaving a legacy, it is very much doing so. The person who receives the donation and their loved ones will certainly remember the donor and think kindly of them even though they probably never knew the donor personally. However, many senior citizens who might consider being organ donors think they are too old to do so.
A recent case in Scotland demonstrates that is untrue.
As MSN reported, a 107-year-old woman in Scotland who recently passed away donated and her corneas were used successfully in a transplant.
The article’s title was “107-year-old becomes Scotland's oldest organ donor .”
You are never too old to donate organs, so if you are considering being a post-death organ donor, do not let advanced age stop you from signing up.
Reference: MSN (July 6, 2016) “107-year-old becomes Scotland's oldest organ donor .”
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Categories: Aging Issues, Charitable Giving, Current Affairs, Estate Planning, Long Term Care, Succession, Trust Funding, Weblogs, Will