Angelique Fluellen- Home Care Provider
I wanted to have an in-service with Legacy Law because I wanted to learn more about Advance Planning and how different documents may benefit the clients that we work with in home care.
The in-service was amazing! It was so informative to learn about the various statistics regarding people who have actually had a conversation with their doctors/family about what their wishes are and what their values are. I walked away with a great understanding about the importance of having conversations about values as a great starting point to helping families begin the process of planning for quality of life care.
I would tell someone looking for advice on Estate Planning and Elder Law concerns that Legacy has an amazing outlook on ways to start the planning process but they also truly value the client and making sure that client’s wishes, values, desires, and own thoughts about quality of life/end of life choices are being heard by all family, doctors, and others involved in their care.