Estate Planning Mistakes & How to Avoid Them

Estate Planning Mistakes…

At Legacy Law Center, we help families plan for the future, realize their goals and protect themselves and their loved ones. Our office brings the latest techniques and advanced planning available to give you answers to difficult questions as well as peace of mind.

At this FREE workshop we will discuss the following, and answer your questions:

  • Do I need a Will, a Trust, or neither?
  • How to Protect my assets from Nursing Home and Long-Term Care Costs.
  • What should be done to protect my children if my spouse remarries.
  • How my most important asset mistakenly ends up in Probate.
  • Protecting families from poor financial decisions, creditors, and divorce.
  • Why my current Will, Trust or Estate Plan may not work the way I expect.
  • Why the Supreme Court recently changed the rules for my IRAs, and why my financial planner doesn’t know.

Seating is limited.

This workshop fills up fast, so reserve your seat now.

Call for reservations today.

734.995.2383 or email

Attend this event and receive a Free, no obligation, private consultation with one of Legacy Law Center’s Attorneys in Ann Arbor. Legacy Law Center has been providing estate and elder law planning for Washtenaw County area residents since 1985. Join the Legacy Law CenterTeam and learn how to avoid devastating legal and financial effects of disability and death. Our team guarantees it will be time well spent.